Full 14-16 Qualifications Offer

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Consultation Responses 

Qualifications Wales 

Deadline for submission: 14th June 2023 

ColegauCymru responded to Qualifications Wales consultation on The Full 14 – 16 Qualification Offer. We noted that Proposal 1: Skills Suite, is a positive step and has the potential to bridge the gap between academic studies and employment; and provides an appropriate solution to develop a wider skills base for learners. As well as Proposal 3: Foundation qualifications which have the potential to give learners who are likely to be demotivated by achieving low/no GCSE qualifications, a curriculum which supports achievement and progression to FE.

On Proposal 2: Pre-Vocational Qualifications, we argued that the proposals for a new suite of pre-vocational qualifications specifically for delivery in schools meet the provision by staff qualified to deliver the specific vocational pathway and with the appropriate knowledge and expertise; as well as delivery in industry standard facilities so that learners have a high-quality experience and can access the opportunity of practical, hands-on learning and an insight into the world of work.

Instead, it is a missed opportunity to develop a coherent pathway from 14-19 where learners have the opportunity to access vocational experiences that are delivered by qualified, dual-professional, specialist teaching staff with facilities that give learners the full vocational experience and a genuine insight into the world of work.

Further Information

Please contact ColegauCymru Policy Officer, Amy Evans, with any questions.

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